How To Get A Girl To Date You If You Work Together

How to make a girl like you if you work together? Well, firstly I must state that I’m against hooking up with girls you work with, because it may backfire on you. I suggest that you only do this if you like this girl very much, if you are CONFIDENT that you can get her, and if you know that she wouldn’t make you any problems if/when you break up. Did you get that? Ok, let’s move on then.

Right at the BEGINNING we must address one specific ISSUE. You simply don’t have a chance to make her like you, if you are (for instance) a regular salesman, and she is a CEO. It’s almost impossible to make a girl like you, if you are beneath her in the hierarchy of your company. You only stand a chance if she has more important position in the company than you, but in the OTHER DEPARTMENT, or if you two work in a very SMALL COMPANY.

It’s much EASIER to make a girl who you work with like you, if you’re both at the same hierarchy level. But, it’s the easiest if you are above her, especially if you are the BOSS of the company. Yes, SOME GIRLS will like you just for the money and the opportunity to get a raise. But, most of them will like you more because of the power and confidence you have as a boss. We talked about this in previous articles: power is the most powerful aphrodisiac!

Now that we covered the basics, let’s concentrate on answering how exactly to make a girl like you if you work together?

The ADVANTAGE here is that, since you get to see her almost every day, you have much more time to make her like you. And therefore, you can do it BETTER than if you were in the nightclub, for instance. But, there is also a hidden DANGER: if you make your moves to slow, she will eventually consider you just as a friend. That is why is important to FLIRT with her almost NON-STOP. You should very early start to fill her head with the idea that you two could (and should) get together.

Of course, DON’T BE TOO OPEN at the beginning, because she might get offended, and might even charge you for sexual harassment.

What do you must show her? Confidence and ambition. You should always TAKE THE LEAD, you should always come up with new ideas, and you should always try to BE THE BEST at what you do. This is what you should do even if there is no girl you like around, so you can MAKE PROGRESS in your career faster. But, there is an EXCEPTION for this rule, and it’s when she doesn’t really care about her job – she won’t care about you being successful, too.

But, there is MORE than just being confident, ambitious and successful. You should try being more creative, because women love creative guys. Also, and this can be very hard for some guys, try to ELIMINATE stress and negativity that your job may give you. People just don’t like being around nervous and negative people, even if they themselves are like that. Therefore, you should be more humorous and relaxed than your other male colleagues.

So, these are the things that you should know when you want to make a girl like you if you work together. You should also have in mind that the looks, body language, communication skills, and your general energy level are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. But, we talked about them in other articles.







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From The Female Perspective: Dealing With “Great Sex”

Great sex can be the best and worst thing for a girl. Unfortunately gentlemen, these occurrences are few and far between. When they happen, life is amazing. But afterward… well then we get into the “Great Sex Effect.” Every girls reaction to great sex is different, but one common theme: you’ll go nuts without it. Now as exciting as it is to read someone bullshit about their thoughts and perceptions (sorry Arts students…), I’ll give you my proof of this theory with a real-life analogy.

My story begins with a young gentleman I met in a night filled with tequila. Didn’t bang the guy, sorry no excitement there, however I did stay in touch with the gentleman. Let’s call him Fred. Now Fred’s your average guy. When you look at  Fred, there’s nothing special that would really draw any individual to him. But Fred has a secret, and a damn good one at that. Fred knows how to throw down in the bedroom, better then any gorgeous/buff man us girls tend to assume might be better. Now I’m not trying to put down Fred.  Fred’s fine- He is reasonably good looking, has a job, is in decent shape, and in general your average guy. All I’m saying is no one but you would understand why Fred is so great. Okay enough about Fred…

So Fred and I had gone out on a few dates, nice enough guy and fun enough to see more then once. It got to the point where every lady has to make that decision: bang him or bag him.  I decided on the former and went into it with no expectations. Not to get into too many details, but let’s just say I gave the man upstairs more shout-outs then that crazy homeless preacher in Dundas Square.

Anyways, I wish I could explain why it was so good but all I can say is that it had the right amount of everything. Great motion, wasn’t all over the place, the right amount of kink, the right amount of dirty talk, good equipment, good endurance, and just great motion. Just a great fuckin lay. But with every great lay comes the aftermath.

Typical things that happen to a girl include: being horny basically all the time, having trouble not thinking about it, finding yourself wanting him, losing your “cool” factor, etc. It is basically the unfortunate occurrence when the ball is no longer in the girl’s court. Fred frickin threw that ball from half court at the buzzer and now he owns this game. A huge loss for any girl, but like any addict- you justify it all for the end result.

Well like any Fred situation, I was a sex-hungry fiend and Fred flaked off. You know 50% because he’s Fred and 50% because I became a freak (Don’t kid yourselves ladies, we’ve all crossed to the bad side of the hot/crazy scale after a good bang). With the end of my encounter with Fred came the search for a new Fred. Going on countless dates, not seeing the Fred potential, thinking about riding Fred while on a date with someone else, potentially texting Fred on date with someone else, going home and thinking about Fred- alone- wink wink. Then comes the time when you meet a new guy, decide he has fool-around potential and go for it. So in a drunken night of fun, you and new boy take it to the bedroom. Unfortunately the remnants of Fred’s skills lay within my mind, and you accidentally call new boy Fred… multiple times. “You look like a Fred” was the best thing I could muster up. Thankfully guys and girls don’t react the same to those situations- He was clearly thrown off, but stuck around.

Anyways, the point that I want to make clear is that the “Great Sex Effect” does exist and we need to be aware. Recognize when it occurs girls, and for the love of God try to resist the side effects as much as possible. And gentlemen, if you are a Fred… call me?

Tasteful Temptations

When Thoughts Turn to Sex, or Not

The Gist Men don’t think about sex all day. People Do.


The Source “Sex on the Brain?: An Examination of Frequency of Sexual Cognitions as a Function of Gender, Erotophilia, and Social Desirability,” by Terri D. Fisher, Zachary T. Moore and Mary-Jo Pittenger, The Journal of Sex Research.

IF you believe men think about sex all day long, you’re wrong. According to a study to be published in the January issue of The Journal of Sex Research, the statistic oft-cited by the sex-obsessed or those critical of the sex-obsessed — that men think about sex every seven seconds — is way off.

“The story about this paper that’s been reported in the press has been ‘Men think about sex 19 times a day!’ ” said Terri Fisher, a psychology professor at Ohio State University at Mansfield, and the study’s lead author. But that isn’t all that much when you consider the study’s participants were college students, those repositories of raging hormones and unfettered urges.

“The more interesting finding is that male college students think just as much about food and sleep as they do about sex,” Dr. Fisher said.

To determine how much time people devoted to such thoughts, the researchers asked 283 students age 18 to 25 to use clickers (golf score counters), whenever they contemplated one of life’s three basic needs. Previous studies on the subject were overwhelming retroactively self-reported; researchers asked people after the fact to recollect how often they thought about sex, a method fraught with error.

Of course, all kinds of caveats still apply. Did they worry about clicking too often, or too infrequently, and self-adjust accordingly? What kind of thoughts were they having? Was it, “I’d really like to sleep with my boss’s new assistant” or “I wonder whether squirrels mate in the spring?”

Moreover, people lie, even to themselves, about more than just sex: Did women undercount their thoughts about food, so as not to appear anorexic on the one hand or a gourmand on the other? In what other ways did personal or societal expectations affect the participants’ accuracy?

But the study yielded some interesting insights. The number of thoughts men had about sex each day varied from as few as 1 to as many as 388. Women’s thoughts about sex were in a range of 1 to 140 times a day. These ranges make averages particularly unreliable, with the median number more informative: for men, 19 thoughts about sex daily; for women, 10. (Women thought about food and sleep less frequently as well.)

Gender, it turns out, is not the major determinant of how often students think about sex. More influential is a person’s self-measured degree of erotophilia or comfort with sexuality. People who like sex and feel comfortable with it think about it more.

Sadly, when Dr. Fisher tried to do a follow-up with older Americans, not enough people followed through with the research. And the response of women was overwhelming when compared with that of men. Now, what to make of that?