Make a Woman Feel Sexually Attracted to You

Having the ability to really make a woman feel sexually attracted to you is usually what ends up making the difference in whether or not you end up hooking up with a woman or you end up going home alone for the night. Since most guys have way more experience with going home for the night, it’s probably not a bad idea to spend some time figuring out what it is that you need to do to make a woman feel sexually attracted to you so that you don’t have to worry about that happening to you.images

Here are 3 tips for making a woman feel sexually attracted to you that will turn her on and definitely make it more likely that you end up hooking up versus going home alone for the night:

1. The things that you say are often not nearly as important as the way that you make a woman feel.

Quite often, I think that guys make the mistake of thinking that they have to always say the right things to make a woman want them. While it is important that you say the right things, it’s far more important that you make her feel the right way. Knowing how to make a woman feel like she really wants you is going to make you a lot more successful than trying to figure out how to convince her that she should want you.

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2. You won’t make her feel sexually attracted to you if you put yourself in the friend zone with her.

This is something that most guys end up doing and then they wonder why they aren’t able to actually hook up with a woman that they are attracted to. You can’t put yourself in the friend zone with a woman and then expect that she is going to see you as a guy she wants to end up in bed with. It’s just not going to happen if you do that.

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3. Being able to make her feel like she is with a guy who knows how to please her is also going to make you a lot more likely to turn her on at the end of the night.

You don’t want to appear awkward like you are the kind of guy who doesn’t really know what he is doing when it comes to pleasing a woman. You want to appear more confident so that she does get the impression that she is going to enjoy being with you. Do that and your odds of ending up with her instead of going home alone are going to jump through the roof.